What sets us apart from other Barbell Programs? 

Our Barbell Class meets weekly on Friday evenings. The programming consists of a 1-1.5 hour class once a week with individualized assistance during a group class and remedial work designed for each lifter. While many programs will have a "cookie-cutter" template for their entire gym. We recognize that each athlete has their own strengths and weaknesses, and we cater to those needs. 


What is the sport of Weightlifting?
The sport of Weightlifting is centered around the two lifts: the snatch and the clean & jerk. In competition, the athletes have three attempts at each lift.

What does the training consist of? 
We do the "lifts" (snatch and clean & jerk) weekly, but we also spend a lot of time working on the movements that comprise the lifts and accessory work. For example, squatting, pressing, deadlifting, pulls, and plenty more! 

How does this benefit my overall fitness? 
Weightlifting teaches your body to produce force - that is to recruit and initiate muscular contraction, to manipulate your body through time and space with the greatest efficiency possible. If you are active in other sports, weightlifting will  have a positive impact on your ability to jump higher, run faster, turn quicker, etc. 

Is Weightlifting for me? 
Yes! You're never too old to begin lifting and in fact, the older you are, the more important it is that you begin a workout regime that your body can handle! As you age, your body naturally begins to lose strength. Working out will enable you to maintain and even increase strength as you age! If you haven't been training your whole life, you'll probably find some mobility limitations early on. Stretching or attending yoga classes daily is important, and perhaps sometimes more important than actually lifting. 

How do I get started? 
Contact us via phone or email and set up an evaluation session to get started! If you've already been lifting, you can jump right into our regular training program. If you have a specific meet in mind (e.g. AO or Nationals), you may need your own specialized plan. Please inquire about pricing for individualized programming. 


Our Barbell Classes meets weekly on Friday at 7:30pm with Coach John Martin. Members can sign up here to add the class to their membership.